Thriving differently

Engels | 14-11-2023 |


Paperback / softback

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Korte beschrijving/Annotatie

Elise Cordaro has autism and ADHD. She shares concrete tips and mind hacks with the reader, inspiring him or her not to see the diagnosis of autism or ADHD as an end point.

Tekst achterflap

Does a supermarket visit wear you out? Do you get stressed when your plans get disrupted? Do you feel like the world doesn’t quite suit you? Nothing to worry about, because everyone feels like that sometimes, right? Or is there more to it? Elise Cordaro only discovered at 27 that she has autism and ADHD. At first, psychologists waved away her request for help. After all, she looked perfectly normal, had two master’s degrees and had been living alone for a while. She turned out to be a master of camouflage. Over the years, she developed strategies to handle the everyday things others take for granted: studying, working, shopping, housework, small talk... The diagnoses came as a relief. Finally, she had an explanation for why everything takes so much effort, and she realized that she was handling it all quite well, actually. In this book, Elise speaks candidly about how she deals with her dual diagnosis. She encourages fellow neurodivergent tribe members with concrete tips, mind hacks and inspiration to function better with autism and ADHD.


Elise Cordaro (1987) is an online marketing specialist. On her blog she shares her experiences and tips to get a grip on daily life and feel at home in a world that doesn’t feel like hers. You can follow her on Instagram (@audhd_bestie), Facebook (@audhdbestie) and TikTok (@audhd_bestie).


EAN :9789052403434
Uitgever :VBK - Houtekiet
Publicatie datum :  14-11-2023
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :215 mm
Breedte :140 mm
Dikte :15 mm
Gewicht :352 gr
Status : Bestelbaar